We firmly believe in treating your employees respectfully, from their introduction to the organization and all the opportunities that follow. We guarantee the most personable, comfortable and discreet experience for everyone. Employee retention starts early on, and we’ve designed our Signature Services with this in mind.

Introspect is our custom and confidential Job/Employee and Cultural Satisfaction survey. We know that finding out about employee satisfaction is often left for those 360 reviews annually. This may be too late for effective remedies of tough situations. Both internal and external factors can influence job satisfaction and engagement. Employee engagement may or may not be aligned with satisfaction yet will still relate to their connection and commitment to the organization. Employers can benefit a great deal from having this measurable knowledge communicated regularly, and without causing anxiety among their staff. By partnering with us to provide this service on your behalf, you will have the knowledge and perspective to provide opportunities to develop existing employees – building a bridge between employees and leadership.
Retrospect is our Exit Interview program is more than a simple closing procedure. We have carefully developed a comprehensive and confidential exit interview program; administered on an individual basis and reported to employers quarterly. Participants are reassured of the confidential nature of this process, setting the stage for an honest and comfortable exchange. We firmly believe exit interviews should have a strong human element, and not be another paper process. We provide this opportunity for employees to be heard, and in turn, feel valued for their service to your organization. By reinforcing a genuine interest in what each person has to say, we ensure a positive lasting impression of you — as an employer. We may be the very last impression employees have of your organization, and we take that quite seriously.
Our exit interview is designed to gather quantitative and qualitative information that address a variety of topics and possible issues impacting employees’ decision to resign or retire. Our exit interview program is all-inclusive method that provides employers genuine insight into the various reasons for turnover; an opportunity to identify future training or development needs within your organization; and justification to make selected improvements within your company or maintain current positive practices.
Donna Mazalin, HR, Etc. | All rights reserved 2023